Exploring the concepts of sequence, time and motion to create the dynamic mood board. This dynamic mood board convey the look and feel of the previous Skeeter Kicks narrative campaign. Taking the theme, images, type, color palettes, textures, and shapes from the static mood boards and adding motion and sound elements to convey the design elements to propose the company’s product multimedia campaign to the client
Narrative Story: Defining Branding Design
Dixie is getting ready to start her training for her half-marathon. She is training to get ready for the race she runs every year with her daughter. She enjoys every smell on her run, the fallen leaves in the fall, and the view of the sunrise, how the air flows over her body. She can’t wait to see her daughter and enjoy the adventure together. Someone rings the door, and a huge package is there waiting for her!. Inside the box is the most incredible running shoes she has ever seen. They are the same shoes she cut out from a magazine and put up on the fridge. The shoes are made for long runs – very light, with a super high tech cushion and a totally new style. There is a sweet note inside the shoes from her daughter saying: “Mom, it’s been 12 years of running together. You showed me the love of running. It’s because of you I train everyday and got the scholarship. Last week I won 1st place at the Venice Race, winning the medal for my school! All this is possible because of you. You showed me the discipline and passion for running. Now it is time to run back together again, but this time around the world, fearless with the right shoes. See you at the London Marathon!”

Dynamic mood boards or video mood boards
Dynamic mood boards or video mood boards are the animated versions of static mood boards they represent. The dynamic mood board when created will convey the same narrative of the static mood board it represents. The dynamic mood board will be the final product after a storyboard is created to convey all aspects and elements of the static mood board.
The dynamic mood board creates a character to represent the ideals of the static mood board. The main difference between a static mood board and a dynamic mood board is that the dynamic mood board has pacing and rhythm, motion graphics, sound and transitions. All elements on the dynamic mood board are paced with a certain rhythm to help with the narrative of the static mood board.